My name is Erik Landry, M.S. CCC-SLP and I’d like to take this moment to welcome you to Vocodojo™! For years, I have been studying the voice, singing with various groups around the U.S. and Europe, and teaching people how to sing. After a series of fantastically serendipitous events, my hunger to learn more about the voice became so strong, that I decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology with a focus on the professional singing voice.
I was incredibly fortunate to have received my clinical voice pathology training with Starr Cookman and Patricia Doyle in the Otolaryngology department at UConn Health, worked on a fantastic research team at Yale under the supervision of Dr. Jonathan Preston, received my M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology at Southern Connecticut State University, toured with the Yale Russian Chorus under the direction of Mark Bailey, sang in the Yale opera ensemble under the direction of Speranza Scappucci and Mark Verzatt, and many more awesome experiences!
Now, I serve EVERYDAY PEOPLE who just want to sing as a hobby as well as ELITE SINGERS from around the world! It is my honor to share with you, the industry secrets that have helped my clients tap into their vocal elements and unleash their vocal super powers!